
Page SKU Edit:

Magento – Content – “Search the page name on search bar” – Edit (Action) – Content

Special Date Solution:

Magento – Catalog – Product – Select/tik the sku for withdraw special price – Actions – Update attributes – Tik the special price from Date & Special price to Date.

Review upload:

Magento – Store – Configuration

Distributor Price Remove:

Magento – System – Entity Type (Advance Price) – Import Behaviour (Delete) – select the file and import

Url generate:

Marketing – url rewrite – target path – store – add new url – store,request path, target path

“Tier prices data should be array, but actually other type is received ” Magento Error

Steps to reproduce (*)

  1. catalog>product>select the product
  2. trying to change the quantity but facing error Tier prices data should be array, but actually other type is received

Expected result (*)

  1. Quantity should be updated when i click save button from the backend

Actual result (*)

  1. not able to save as it shows error “Tier prices data should be array, but actually other type is received”

Solution (*)

To check tier_price attribute_id from “eav_attribute” table, search
"SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code="tier_price"
Which is 92.

And then search entry for 91 attribute_id value from catalog_product_entity_decimal

SELECT * FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal WHERE attribute_id=92

And then delete the entry from the table.

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